What is $GORE

Goblin Ore, my precious.

Goblin Ore ($GORE) is the mineral that Goblins mine. It is the currency in the game and is used to purchase other items and services. The more $GORE your Goblins have mined in the Goblin Mines the more items and services your Goblin can buy from the Goblin Bazaar (marketplace) and the more your things can conjure in the Conjuring Pit.

$GORE is an ERC-20 token and can be traded for other tokens in our upcoming token bridge.

$GORE is a utility token, and shouldn't be confused for $HOGS our upcoming governance token. These two tokens will work in symbiosis to balance the rewards in-game and drive interest in the game and upcoming feature sets. See Roadmap for more information on what's coming, prepare yourself, it's a lot.

Last updated