Into the Metaverse

House of Goblins will fulfill its vision of becoming a game franchise by developing other media properties using the same NFT characters and lore of the P2E Game.

The HOGs Metaverse will provide opportunities for players to own land and build their own clans and communities. To create new mines, farms, villages and more. In our partnership with CryptoBlades and their new Omnus metaverse project we will be creating a House of Goblins world that will be an entirely new immersive experience for players and collectors alike.

This new House of Goblins Metaverse goes beyond the game. Underneath the gameplay mechanics, there’s a deep LORE that covers thousands of years of history. The HOGs Metaverse will be a new world rich with compelling and engaging gameplay, collectibles and token rewards.

Goblin Clans will have the odd skirmishes but ultimately, in the new world, they might need to work together to battle the unknown evil that is coming to destroy all.

The past has be written by our team of designers and developers, but the future will be largely written by the players. How they will build this new world is up to them.

There is a brave new world awaiting all Goblins, we are only just getting started.

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